Mapbox for EV



1つの EVプラットフォーム


あらゆる形式に 対応

あらゆるEVモデル、インフォテインメントシステム、コンパニオンアプリでMapbox API、SDK、アプリを使用できます。


ユーザー体験の 向上

シームレスな EVナビゲーション

Mapbox for EVは電気自動車専用に設計されたナビゲーションおよびマッピング・プラットフォームです。

EVのルート計画を 最適化

Mapbox for EVは電気自動車専用に設計されたナビゲーションおよびマッピング・プラットフォームです。

航続距離を 正確に予測


充電と支払いを 統合


ユーザー体験を パーソナライズ


充電ステーションの提案を カスタマイズ


積極的な 充電ステーションの 提案


あらゆるデザイン要素を カスタマイズ


常に最新のデータを 使用

Mapbox for EVは、道路ネットワーク、車両センシング、充電ステーションのデータを継続的に更新します。

信頼できる センサーベースの データ


自動的に データを更新


車両の状態を リアルタイム監視



Mapbox製品を組み合わせて、EV ナビゲーション体験をカスタマイズします。

Frequently asked questions

Does EV work with Plug-in Hybrid EV?

No, EV Routing is currently supporting only Battery Electric Vehicles.

How does pricing work for EV routing?

For pricing, contact Mapbox Sales.

What happens in case no fast chargers are available along the route?

In case there are no high power charging stations available, the trip planning will fallback to slower charging stations.

What vehicle characteristics are configurable?

EV Routing can be customized for most EV models by programmable parameters. These parameters represent the battery characteristics and vehicle dynamics, and should be provided at the time of API request.

For list of parameters, see API documentation

What geographies are supported by EV Routing?

For a list of geographies supported, see API documentation.

Please contact Mapbox Sales if you are interested in geography not listed above.

What is the source of charging station data?

Mapbox EV Router uses Open Charge Map (OCM), a non-commercial, non-profit, electric vehicle data service hosted and supported by a community of businesses, charities, developers and interested parties around the world. Mapbox EV router processes charging station data from OCM and builds a digital graph of interconnected stations. When an EV route request is made, the router will pick up the nearest stations along the route and identify the fastest chargers that are compatible with the driver’s model of EV.

Is Electric Vehicle Routing included in Mapbox Dash?

Please contact Mapbox Sales if you are interested in Mapbox Dash with EV Routing.

Is Electric Vehicle Routing included in the Navigation SDK?

Please contact Mapbox Sales if you are interested in Navigation SDK with EV Routing.

How to get started with EV Routing?

Mapbox EV Routing is available in private preview via Directions API. To learn more, read the API documentation

For pricing and accessing EV routing, reach out to Mapbox Sales.

What differentiates Mapbox EV Routing?

Finding the best route for a given live road conditions is not enough to meet the expectations of the EV auto market. Mapbox EV routing requires bringing together live location data, EV charging station data and vehicle characteristics into a unified solution. Companies doing it in-house incur high costs and several months of engineering time to bring the feature to life. Mapbox customers are able to upgrade to EV routing within the car-infotainment almost instantly, delivering a premium navigation experience that attracts more drivers to the EV market, accelerating the transition to electric.

Automakers get access to ever improving live updates, lowering automaker’s engineering investments in future. This includes 100K daily map updates and regular updates to charging station data. Mapbox’s proprietary charger graph enables quick API response time and as new chargers are continually installed, Mapbox refreshes the charger graph to provide developers with up-to-date charging options. Developers can customize the API to any model of Electric Vehicle with programmable vehicle characteristics.

What can I do with Electric Vehicle Routing that I could not do before?

To plan charging stops for a long trip, EV drivers have to manually search for charging stations across mobile apps and figure out which are ideal charging stops out of dozens of fast chargers on the map as well as estimate how many stops to plan for and how long to charge for each stop. Mapbox EV Routing includes an EV trip planner that automatically identifies the charging stops along the journey as well as the optimal charge time for each stop. Mapbox EV routing algorithm that takes into account vehicle characteristics such as initial battery charge, speed consumption curve and max charge of a vehicle. For example, on the trip from Washington, DC to Boston, most electric vehicles need to charge 2-3 times to complete the journey, but drivers have to choose from over 50 charging locations. Mapbox EV Routing automatically identifies the best charging stops along the journey and the optimal charge time for each stop, saving up to 2 hours of trip time and about 1 hour of charging time, with no more unexpected low battery alerts.

Typically, Electric Vehicles monitor historic EV efficiency in miles/kwh and use it to predict battery level at the end of a current trip. However, when the driver takes a journey on a road with varying speeds and elevation or on a road with changing traffic conditions, the prediction is unreliable. For an average trip of 100 mile, historic efficiency based prediction can be off by 30%-50%. Mapbox EV Routing accounts for factors that influence energy consumption, such as driving behavior, road speed, road elevation, battery level, speed accelerations or decelerations, vehicle cabin consumption, and battery temperature. Developers can auto-search for nearby charging stations or trigger a new route request in case the destination is no longer in range due to changing road conditions or driving modes.

What is Electric Vehicle Routing?

Electric Vehicle Routing is a new routing feature in private preview as part of Mapbox Directions API, enabling automakers to build smarter EVs that are easier to use and app developers to create intelligent navigation apps that accelerate the transition to electric. It enables automatic EV trip planning, range assurance and low battery alerts. 

Developers can define the static and dynamic characteristics of the electric vehicle such as battery level, consumption curve, and charger compatibility to generate routes that get drivers to their destination with the optimal charging stops as well as get precise battery prediction for the trip. Mapbox EV Routing can be added to in-car navigation systems and apps for mobile and web.



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