Snowflake Marketplace
Snowflake Marketplaceは、Snowflakeのデータクラウド内の集中ハブであり、データドリブンのアプリケーションやサービスを幅広く提供しています。Snowflake Marketplace上のネイティブアプリは、Snowflakeのクラウドベースのデータプラットフォームを活用し、シームレスな統合と機能強化を可能にしています。
Mapboxが提供する地理空間機能は、Snowflake Marketplaceで直接ご利用いただけます。ユーザーはMapbox Native Appを使用することで、Mapbox Geocoding APIとBoundaries Dataを使用した、地理空間データクレンジングや集計、分析を簡単に行うことができます。

Mapboxのネイティブアプリケーションは、SnowflakeプラットフォームのSQL経由でGeocoding APIやBoundariesなどのMapboxサービスへのアクセスを可能にします。これにより、誰でも簡単なselect文で地理空間データのクレンジング、集計、分析、可視化ができるようになりました。

Address Geocoding
Mapbox Geocodingの詳細はこちら →
政治、統計、国、県、市、郵便番号エリアをカバーする、正確な500万の境界線セット「Mapbox Boundaries」を使って、ポイントインポリゴン分析を実行できます。
Mapbox Boundariesの詳細はこちら →

Use Cases

Asset Tracking
Convert location data from devices on the edge into addresses and places to enable real-time visibility into inventory levels, theft prevention, shipment tracking, transportation conditions, and more. Store the results for later analysis and compliance.

Retail Strategy
Use Movement data to identify patterns and trends to optimize store or warehouse placement, personalize marketing campaigns, and make data-driven decisions for inventory management and expansion strategies.j

Real Estate
Accurately map property locations; integrate with relevant data layers, such as towns, postcodes, and neighborhoods; and unlock valuable insights for investment decisions, market analysis, or to deliver a more personalized customer experience for consumer-facing applications.
Demographic Analysis
Gain valuable insights into population characteristics, trends, and distributions within specific geographic areas for data-driven decision-making related to marketing, urban planning, resource allocation, and policy formulation.

Conduct analysis with state and national legislative boundaries. Manage voter registration, enable targeted campaign outreach, and analyze voting patterns.
Snowflake "Quickstart"
A detailed guide with step-by-step instructions – from installing the Native App to exporting and previewing your data.
Step-by-step Guide to Getting Started
Key concepts to get started with geocoding, reverse geocoding, and boundaries lookup in Snowflake using the Mapbox Native App.
Watch a Tutorial Video
Demonstrations and explanations of key features, use cases, and workflows for the Mapbox Native App.
Access Mapbox Movement Data
Access pre-processed and de-identified sample mobility data in Snowflake for analysis of human mobility patterns.
New Features
We are continuing to enhance the Mapbox Snowflake Native Application. Contact us for early access to upcoming features, including weather data, Navigation APIs, Mapbox Movement data, and advanced geospatial visualizations.